Monday, November 28, 2011

Comment acheter une propriété privilège fiscal

In order to buy a tax lien property you must first determine which states or counties are conducive to producing conditions that will allow you to end up in ownership. Additionally you may want to consider purchasing tax deeds instead as the process is set up in away that gives you a better chance at property ownership.

Before you buy a tax lien property you are first going to have to purchase the tax lien certificate. In order to purchase a certificate you will have to bid on the sale in many cases. This process can vary from state to state, and county to county in any particular state. In Orange county Florida, for example the bidding process starts at 18 % and they actually begin to bid down from there. In other words, whoever is willing to except the lowest amount of interest will end up winning the certificate.

In general, assuming that you win the bid for the tax lien property certificate that you are interested in the next step is to foreclose on the property. This process varies from state to state but typically you will have to wait until the redemption period is over, in order to start the foreclosure process. The redemption period can vary anywhere from six months to a few years.

Comment acheter une propriété privilège fiscal

So it is definitely true to buy properties for pennies on the dollar. However, before you buy any tax lien properties you must do your research. If you end up with ownership of a property that is not worth a dime you could perdre votre investissement.

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