Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do Not Buy Nitric Oxide Products!

You may have been reading a lot of the hype about nitric oxide products. They're all the rage these days, every weight lifting newbie wants them, and every professional bodybuilder seems to be promoting them like crazy.

However, be warned! Nitric oxide products are basically worthless. If you are on a budget, you are almost certainly going to be wasting your money by buying these junk supplements. The marketing is a scam, and the whole notion of the product is ridiculous to begin with. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Why Do You Need A Pump Again?

Do Not Buy Nitric Oxide Products!

The main attraction of many of these supplements is that they claim to promote blood flow to your muscles and give you a "sick pump" or something of that nature. That's all well and good, but you have to ask yourself: what does that actually do for building muscle?

The answer is basically nothing. While you do need good blood flow in general for muscle building, and just for good health, having that extra blood flow to an area, and having that super "pumped" feeling is NOT what builds muscle and makes for long term gains.

The only way to build muscle is to get stronger. A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period. It doesn't matter what the latest guru or supposedly bodybuilder-written article says; if you aren't getting stronger, your muscle size is going nowhere. Throwing away your money on nitric oxide products is not going to make this happen any faster, no matter how much you want it to.

2. You Can Get A Great "Pump" Without Wasting Your Money

So you don't need a pump to gain muscle. However, everyone loves that feeling, it's one of those little things that makes going to the gym fun and exciting. But that does NOT mean you should go rushing out to buy the latest over-hyped nitric oxide supplements to make that happen.

The most important thing to getting a good pump is drinking plenty of water. In fact, most of the bottles of nitric oxide supplements even TELL YOU that you should be getting plenty of water. Nice trick they pulled, huh? Drink 1-2 gallons per day, consistently, and you will probably notice a more pumped and full feeling in the gym

The other thing you must do to get a great pump is eat plenty of carbs. Even if you are trying to keep your carbs to a minimum, you should still be eating plenty of them at your pre-workout meal. What carbs do for your pump is pull water into your muscle cells, making them engorged and looking full.

3. There Are Far More Important Things For Your Money

Unless you have an unlimited food and supplement budget, nitric oxide products ought to be the LAST thing on your mind, regardless of whether or not they work the way they say they do. Your hard-earned money is FAR better spent on simple, proven supplement such as protein powder, branched-chain amino acids, and fish oils.

In fact, if you're not gaining the muscle you want, you might not even want to spend ANY money on supplements, whether they are junk like nitric oxide products or good ones like protein powder. If you're not getting enough food, you will literally build ZERO muscle. Spend your money on food and start making some real gains before you worry about anything fancier.

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