Thursday, November 24, 2011

WoW Gold Safe - où peut-on acheter?

Où puis-je acheter de l'or sûre dans WoW? Eh bien ce n'est pas facile et si vous regardez à travers le monde différents des sites de vente d'or warcraft - il ne le rend pas plus claire. Il semble que tous savent nos préoccupations et de nombreux proclament haut et fort qu'ils sont sûrs à 100% - ainsi quand vous arrivez à un certain âge vous obtenez plutôt suspicieux au sujet des allégations portant sur 100%. Demander autour de votre guilde ne l'aide pas toujours non plus - pour chaque recommandation que vous obtenez, vous recevrez une autre histoire d'être arnaqué,accounts being tracked by Blizzard. You'll also get scorn from the 'true gamers' the ones who would never dream of buying gold (they'll also usually have no income and 21 free hours playing time a day) I don't like having to even contemplate buying gold for a virtual online world like World of Warcraft and if I knew (100%) that I could just pay a few pennies in exchange for some real gold I probably would. The simple fact are these

Blizzard state quite clearly it shouldn't be done - even threatening legal action against sellers Blizzard are very serious about protecting their game and economy by banning people - and no losing the income of a few individuals won't worry them in the slightest It's spoiling the game - if it got out of hand it could easily wreck game play there is little way of knowing even if you didn't get banned whether you'd get ripped off -you can hardly complain to Blizzard Some of the gold sellers get their gold by hacking accounts.
The latest Terms of Use has been updated by Blizzard and they have tightened up extensively on the conditions of play.   There is no doubt now that the selling or buying of wow gold or any other item  is a breach of these rules of conduct.   Blizzard state that your account may be temporarily or pemanently ban your account.

So it's quite clear the only safe WoW gold is the stuff you earn

WoW Gold Safe - où peut-on acheter?

So this was my quandry and I suspect that of many others worrying about whether they could buy some cheap, safe Wow gold when nobody was looking. I got so fed up with farming for safe gold - I'd get a couple of hours of an evening and that's all I'd do - just spend ages trying the next brilliant gold getting idea I'd found on the internet. They all work but always extremely slowly so where no real help. I then took the next logical steps - I'd heard about the WoW gold guides and how people could accelerate their gold methods - so I thought why not buy a few and see if they'd help. To be honest their a mixture - quite a few I think possibly used to worked but needed a serious update to include the expansions - some interesting ideas though. Many were obviously rehashed from the same tired old forum posts us broke Wow players have been passing about for years - a waste of money. But I did find two that were fantastic - the methods were so detailed, so innovative that I'm not surprised that many people never find them. You still have to work for gold but when I can sit down for an evening and earn a few hundred gold between the time I put my kids to bed and the wife nagging me for spending too much time playing that stupid game - I really don't mind.

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