Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where to Buy Quinoa

As quinoa is becoming more and more popular many people are looking for where to buy quinoa. The problem in the past has been getting a regular supplier. Three years ago many health food shops only had occasional deliveries of this super grain. Only last Saturday I asked a member of staff in our local health food store for RED quinoa. Her answer was "What is Quinoa". But in general people are finding out about quinoa and the benefits it brings to your diet.

Where to Buy Quinoa In The USA

Now the situation has improved to the point where even mainstream supermarkets have their own branded packs. Because I live in the UK I only know of one good supplier in the USA and that is the online retailer Amazon.com. The brand they sell is Bob's Red Mill Quinoa. You can get it in 26oz packs and occasionally in bulk packs. Although I haven't tried this brand I know it has a good reputation. Readers of my cookbooks tell me it works well with all the recipes.

Where to Buy Quinoa

Where To Buy Quinoa In The UK

For the UK the situation is changing all the time. For now there are three main supermarkets that stock quinoa on a reliable basis. Tesco and Morrisons have their own branded packs in 500gm size. Sainsburys stock either the Granovita brand or another type if they can't get hold of it. The prices vary from £2.30 a pack to £4.30. The prices also change on a regular basis so you need to look out for this. For taste I prefer the Granovita range. All the other makes are very similar but seem to be slightly processed in comparison.

Buying By Mail Order

The best place to buy your quinoa is by mail order. Baldwins sell all sorts of holistic products including quinoa. They also sell quinoa flakes and quinoa flour. The Infinity brand they sell is the best I have come across and is usually sold at the lower end of the above prices. The postage costs are large so you need to make up a decent order for it to be worthwhile. I club together with friends and order about once a month or so.

As for other countries I do not as yet have information as to where to buy quinoa. I know many of my readers live in Australia so I assume it is readily available down under.

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