Monday, November 14, 2011

Where to Buy Quinoa

Quinoa is receiving a lot of raves among health aficionados and vegans, I can't blame them because it truly offers a lot of great health benefits. It's a rich source of protein without having to worry that it will make you fat. It's also versatile and you can serve it anytime of the day. For breakfast, you can add fruits and for lunch and supper, there are hundreds of seasonings to choose from, the sky is the limit!

You might be wondering where you can buy Quinoa because you don't see it when you do your grocery shopping. I went and searched through some forums and somebody said that you can find it either beside the rice, dried beans or pulces section. If you cannot see Quinoa in the whole grains section, you can try looking at the bulk section instead where you can just scoop your own. It's also cheaper this way.

If you either want fresh or dehydrated Quinoa, you can look in a Vegan Supermarket (if you have one in your area). They usually have most of the colors. Most of the pre-packaged Quinoa that you see in stores are already pre-rinsed. You still have to be careful though before cooking it because some may still have saphonin dust. This is very bitter and if you do not rinse your Quinoa well, you'll end up throwing away the batch.

Where to Buy Quinoa

If you really can't find it in stores near your area then your last resort would be to buy Quinoa online. In the United States, you can either check or If you live in the UK, you can go to

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