Thursday, November 10, 2011

N'achetez pas Go Duster avant d'avoir lu cet article!

Si vous êtes quelqu'un qui gère les travaux maison comme moi, je suis 101% sûr que vous détestez épousseter! Parfois, vous êtes juste étonné de la rapidité de la poussière s'accumule, peu importe comment vous nettoyer. C'est tout simplement frustrant surtout si vous avez un emploi de jour, qui est exigeant. Quand j'ai vu l'annonce Duster Aller à la télé, j'ai commandé un paquet mais je dois admettre que le terrain doit trop beau pour être vrai. Depuis Duster Go a 30 jours grantie de remboursement, je pense que je n'ai rien à perdre.

Le GoDuster package cost .80 plus shopping. The package includes a battery operated base, three different dusters and a bottle of cleaner. As instructed, you have to spray on duster to boost Go Duster's performance. At first try, I found that it is easy to use, pretty much like what they demonstrated on TV. However, flies started flying everywhere as I performed dusting. For this reason Go Duster is definitely not for those who have allergies. It is advisable that you wear a mask while you perform dusting. Another disadvantage of Go Duster is that you have the hold the button all the time when you are doing the dusting. If you have wrist or hands problems, it may not suit you.

On the flip side, Go Duster is very effective in cleaning the blinds and slats. It also works well on hard to reach areas like ceiling fan, light covers, keyboards and DVD racks. On these areas, Go Duster works faster compare to traditional cleaning. However, you have to be really careful when you use it on ceiling fans or dangling objects. As it spins very fast, these areas can be tangled easily.

N'achetez pas Go Duster avant d'avoir lu cet article!

If you do not currently suffer from allergies or hand problems, Go Duster is definitely worth a try.

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