Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Best Buy - Examen du scanner de carte de visite

Après la collecte d'un trop grand nombre de cartes de visite nous soyons tous parvenus à un point où nous voulons acheter un scanner de cartes de visite. Le problème est de savoir où aller pour scanner et comment elle se produira. Le concept initial scanners de cartes a été tout simplement de se débarrasser des tracas d'avoir à garder les cartes d'affaires de trop. Maintenant, la nouvelle gamme qui a été amélioré peut faire beaucoup plus que juste numériser des cartes.

Passons en revue quelques-unes des plus populaireones.


Best Buy - Examen du scanner de carte de visite

Sometimes not all business cards are available for a physical scan. This scanner is suitable for people who collect business cards using some of the web based applications like ERP and CRM.


Another option to consider when you want to buy a business card scanner is the WorldCard. This product offers scanners that are able to recognize business cards in different languages, 15 to precise. The cards can be edited and updated without the need for rescanning.

Targus Mini USB scanner

This is one of the fastest scanners available. Unlike some scanners that you have to scan front and reverse sides of a business card, this scanner will be able to recognize both sides of the card in a single scan.

If you want to buy a business card scanner it is now more than just about convenience, there are now a whole more features that you can take advantage of depending on the scanner. You can get further reviews on the various available scanners.


CardScan offers a comprehensive range of solutions that are quite adaptable to many of the business environments. You will be able to find the smallest of card scanners to an online backup system to accommodate larger companies and firms. The scanners can be easily linked into a network allowing group access and sharing.

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Recommend : TIMEX T2N650KW

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