Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is There Free Grant Money to Buy A Car?

You may be aware that the government gives away millions of dollars every year. Millions of people claim this cash grants that never have to be paid back and use these funds for their personal use. Some are available to buy a new home, others help people get out of debt. But are there grants to help you buy a new car?

Beyond the traditional government grants and loans, there are thousands of private foundation grants. These programs are often provided by non-profit agencies that need to give away money to maintain their tax-exempt status. Other organizations provide free grant money as a way to take advantage of tax incentives and to increase their public awareness and goodwill.

Regardless of the case, you may qualify to receive some of this free grant money and use it for your own personal use. When you search through the database, you'll find hundreds of grant programs for various reasons, and often times you can find grants to help you buy a car or repair your existing car.

Is There Free Grant Money to Buy A Car?

If you qualify, you'll receive the cash you need that you'll never have to pay the money back. The grant is tax-free, and applying does not generally require a credit check, down payment or any kind of collateral. As long as you are at least 18 years old and an American citizen, you can apply for as many grants as you like and potentially get approved to receive thousands of dollars to buy your next car, house, or pay for other personal expenses.

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